Tony Kuyper and
Sean Bagshaw have collaborated on a series of video tutorials demonstrating Tony’s Photoshop technique for isolating particular tonal ranges within an image (
luminosity masking). This technique allows very precise control of the areas within an image where a photoshop adjustment will be applied, and does so using the luminosity information of the image itself so that the selections and masks blend perfectly into the original image. Its a very powerful set of techniques with a bit of a learning curve even for relatively experienced photoshop users. Now, however, Tony and Sean have produced a set of extremely clear, logically organized video tutorials to walk us through the process of creating and using these masking techniques to finely adjust image tonality, contrast, and color saturation.
Sample videos are available for a test drive. While the tutorials (and the
PS actions Tony created to automate the most tedious part of the process) are
not cheap, they do unlock some of the super-powers hidden within Photoshop at a price less than you might pay for a plug-in. Highly recommended.